Make money selling domain names online. This article will tell you the process of selling a domain name on Godaddy using their TDNAM - The Domain Name After Market.
Step 1
Make money selling domain names online at or you can sign up through and select the Auctions tab for The Domain Name After Market. First before you start selling domain names you must first own domain names and before you buy a domain name you must know what kind of domain names to buy and for how much.
Step 2
Sign up with Godaddy for free, they are the largest domain name register in the world. This is a great place to organize domain names either for the use of website or reselling on TDNAM. Once you have an account with Godaddy write down your account number. You will need it later when you start to purchase domain names.
Step 3
Go to eBay to find other people selling domain names and domain name lots for cheap. Many domain names can be purchase at half the normal cost. Good domain names are easy to type, remember, and spell. Try to find domain names that have keywords that make sense. Stay away from domain names with numbers and hyphens and your domain name should be no more than 20 letters. Once you win an auction on eBay contact the seller and give them your account email address and phone number so they can quickly initiate the transfer. You will receive an email later on requesting you to accept the domain name transfers.
Step 4
You can also find affordable domain names available at Godaddy by searching their database or by going to DomainsBot and coming up with your own names. If you know someone who is about to be famous or a new phrase that is about to make headlines then you should try to buy the domain name before it becomes world famous. Many of the shorter domain names and common names or phrases are already taken but there are still many great domain names still available to buy.
Step 5
TDNAM - The Domain Names After Market also has names you can buy for as low as $15. They come in the form of $5.00 buy now auctions but there is $10 processing fee on top of that. If you can however pick up a quality domain name from TDNAM you can resell it back on TDNAM for a profit. The best names right now are keyword rich or short abbreviations for company names. The keyword rich domains are based on what people are searching for online. If you buy a domain name that is exactly what people are looking for then the domain will be more valuable. Also plural versions of that name are sometimes worth picking up but for the most part non plural names sell for the most profit.
Step 6
Once you've acquired a domain name and you want to resell it on The Domain Name After Market just go to and login with your Godaddy user name and password - or if your already logged in to Godaddy just click on the Auctions tab and then scroll over the Sell tab once your on the next page and click on List a Domain once the you see the menu pop down. If your not a member of TDNAM already then you must pay $4.99 a year to become an active seller. It should be free to buy domain names but they do charge you to sell them. It's worth it!
Step 7
Once you join TDNAM you have the option of selling domain names as a Buy Now Auction, Offer/Counter Offer Listing, or a 7 Day Public Domain Name Auction. Choose the domain selling options that best fit your domain. This is an easy process that will guide you through each step of the way. 7 Day Auctions are a good way to start and you need to price your domain name at a price that you think will sell. Over pricing will scare away buyers. To determine the value of your domain name look at similar names by searching TDNAM for other auctions with domain names like yours. That should give you some idea of what the market is like.
Step 8
If that becomes to complicated or your not producing any results then try selling domain names on eBay auctions. eBay has tons users who buy and sell domain names in online auctions. It only costs about $0.35-$4 to list your domain name depending on your asking price. Try selling your domain name for 4-5 times what you paid for them which should be around $40-$50. If you don't get any interest in your names you should consult a domain name forum for suggestions about what you names should be priced at or if your names are worth anything at all.
Step 9
If you sell a domain name on eBay you will need the person Godaddy account information email address and account number on file. Make sure to send them an email after the auction ends asking for this information. Don't send the email or initiate transfer until after receiving payment. To push the domain name to another Godaddy account login to your Godaddy My Domain Names section and check box next to the domain you want to transfer and then click on Account Change at the top. Choose Use details from specified customer account and type in their Godaddy account number and email address correctly. Double check before you click next. From there accept the terms of the transfer and click next or ok.
Step 10
If you haven't turned off email notifications from Godaddy you should get an email stating the transfer of the domain name. Be careful and make sure you don't check more than the just domain name or names your trying to transfer or all checked boxes will transfer the domain ownership over to the person your transferring to. It's good business not to charge for this transfer or what many people call Push. If you've followed all of the steps correctly you should now be making money selling domain names.
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